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The only way producers grow (content creation mini-guide)

brand development Jul 20, 2023

 Having good beats doesn’t mean you’ll get noticed.

Sure, it’s a lot harder to gain a fan base with music that’s 🚮.

But if it was as simple as “being good”, there’d be a lot fewer people complaining about 'saturation.'

Once your beats are good, you have to find a way to get them in front of people.

Spamming links on social media and in DMs doesn’t work though.

You’d be better off selling beat tapes from the trunk of your car at a gas station.

Instead, create content.

Yesterday we covered step 1, “​Learn to make good music and inject your style into it.​

Step 2 is creating content.

Attention is gained through the creation of value.

Money is made the same way.

Content transmits the value.

It facilitates the exchange.

Your potential listener gets value, you get their attention (and/or money).

Vice versa.

Your content is inherently valuable if it can transmit one of the following to the listener;

  1. Education
  2. Inspiration
  3. Entertainment

Content is not the only way to transmit value and gain attention.

But it’s the best and most accessible.

So, if you want more people to listen to your music, feed their souls.

 If you want to learn more about my content creation process.

And how I use it to help me reach listeners around the world, ​check out this special sauce. ​ 



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